Iran's Bavar-373: A Profile

Updated 05 February 2025
Since the cancellation of the first S-300PMU-1 delivery by Russia in 2010, Iran vowed to develop a superior system, and the Bavar-373 was finally fully unveiled on Defence Industry Day on 22nd August 2019 after roughly 9 years of development.

A wholly indigenous system

Despite Russia finally delivering the S-300PMU-2 to Iran in December 2016, the Bavar-373 is commonly conflated with being simply a copy of the S-300. Iran had displayed numerous Bavar subsystems before the S-300PMU-2 delivery in December 2016, and even made a partial unveiling of numerous radars, missiles, and a restricted view of the launch cells in August 2016 - also on Defence Industry Day. Although Iran is suspected to have acquired an S-300PT system from Belarus, that is a 1980s-vintage system, with dated radars and 5V55K/R missiles up to a maximum range of just 90 km. While it is possible that Iran learnt some concepts and technologies by studying this system, any real relation between the S-300PT and the Bavar-373 is out of the question, not least because the Bavar-373 is far more capable, being closer to the S-300PMU-2 and S-400 in terms of performance and sophistication.

Not only does Bavar-373 sport AESA radars and a 200 km range missile in the form of Sayyad-4, but very clearly all these key subsystems look physically different and distinct from their foreign counterparts. Bavar-373 also has indigenous vehicles, and the missiles are launched directly ('hot launch') from square launch cells, rather than the gas ejection ('cold launch') system of the S-300's circular missile tubes.

To help clear up any confusion I made this handy comparison chart.


NOTE: This article has been updated. Please see updates from 04/01/2022, 06/11/2022, 17/04/2024, and 05/02/2025

While the Bavar-373 is an Iranian system, it certainly does take some conceptual nods from the S-300.

Bavar-373 is a large, top-of-the-line system, and therefore not as easily hidden as the Sevome Khordad system that shot down an American RQ-4 UAV in June. However, it is still highly mobile, with the large 10x10 Zoljanah acting as the TEL vehicle, and most radars and command and control (C2) equipment being mounted on the Zafar 8x8 vehicle. Both trucks are clearly off-road capable. This is an important capability as although Iran has a large road network, it means Bavar-373 can be deployed almost anywhere. The only 'semi-mobile' component of Bavar-373 is the large Meraj-4, which is a battle-management radar with a similar role to that of the 64N6E/91N6E 'Big Bird' radar. That is mounted on a semi-trailer pulled by a civilian type tractor truck. This is not so much of an issue though, with its long range allowing it to sit in a deeper position and therefore have greater security compared to the 'front-line' radars.

Meraj-4 Battle Management Radar

In reality the Meraj-4 is not strictly an integral part of Bavar-373. But it is closely related to the system and has appeared throughout Bavar-373's development, including alongside it in Bavar's partial unveiling in 2016. It is a higher tier IADS asset, and its job is to control large swathes of airspace providing information to systems in its vicinity. It is a large array size, S-band linear AESA  that can reportedly track up to 100 targets simultaneously. Along with this come advanced features that are detailed on a website called kowsartrading, which seems to be the successor to the short lived Iran Electronic Industries website. With ECCM capabilities including "Burn Through, SLB and SLC, Frequency Hopping, PRF Jitter, PRF Staggering, JATS, Pulse Compression, MTI, CFAR, Clutter Map, Low SLL Antenna," Meraj-4 should be a resilient radar.

Meraj-4 in full view in 2016

The latest iteration of Meraj-4, seen here in a new folded configuration, was present at the Army Parade in April 2019

Spec sheet for the Meraj-4 radar


The core of the battery-level Bavar-373 system is 1x Command and Control Vehicle, 2x Radars (Acquisition and Engagement), and up to 6x TELs, each carrying 4 missiles for a total of 24 missiles.

Bavar-373 command structure

Sayyad-4 Surface-to-Air Missile

NOTE: There is a new version of Sayyad-4, called Sayyad-4B. Please see update from 06/11/2022

The Sayyad-4 was first seen in 2014 in TV footage that displayed even some of the early iterations of Bavar-373's radar systems. At this time, it appeared as a very large white missile with باور-۳۷۳ (Bavar-373) just about visible on the body of the missile. It appeared alongside another new missile, the red Sayyad-3.

Sayyad-4 missile (right) in August 2014

Sayyad-4 has a 200 km range, and maximum engagement altitude of 27 km. It is vertically launched from the Zoljanah TEL. It likely uses a form of Semi-Active Radar Homing, probably TVM (Track-Via-Missile) or SAGG (Seeker-Aided Ground Guidance). While ARH (Active Radar Homing) would have been an easier solution for a long range SAM, it would have been susceptible to jamming, and not been as effective against stealth targets (this is explained later in this article).

One of the more mainstream benefits of SAGG is that because guidance calculations can be calculated by both the missile and the ground radar, there is an added layer of redundancy that improves accuracy and makes it more resistant to jamming. Because of its use of datalinks, SAGG also tends to not give a missile launch warning to RWRs (Radar Warning Receivers) until the final few seconds before impact, giving the target very little time to react. The inherent LPI (Low Probability of Intercept) characteristics of AESA radars enhance this advantage.

As of yet, it is unclear whether Bavar-373 has TVC (Thrust Vectoring Control) as in the S-300's 48N6 missile. It is unlikely to have this feature, as unlike the Russian system there is no requirement for Bavar-373 to engage low-flying cruise missiles at short range, which is part of the reason why the S-300 has a cold launch system and why TVC activates immediately after ejection to orient the 48N6 to fire in the right direction. Iran already has shorter range systems without VLS, like the Sayyad-2 and Sayyad-3 missiles, that are more suited to low-altitude/short-range interception.

UPDATE: According to an Iranian General appearing on TV, Bavar-373 does have TVC.

The Sayyad-4A missile (serial no. SD4AM M4A) at Bavar's official unveiling in August 2019
Comparison of Sayyad-4A (top) and 48N6 (bottom) missiles. The Sayyad-4A (and the later -B variant discussed later in this post) has a completely different fin assembly, and slightly more tapered nose.

Sayyad-4 making a sharp turn after launch

Unnamed X-band Radar

Judging by the small array size of this AESA, it can be judged that the pictured radar is an X-band radar. X-band radars are used as engagement radars in modern military systems like air defence systems and combat aircraft. There are few specifications for this radar, but in normal operation, this X-band radar would be able to engage conventional (non-VLO) aircraft out at ranges of 200 km on its own, engaging 6, guiding 12 missiles (so 2 missiles per target, ala S-300). This radar would likely be able to operate on its own against conventional targets, but for redundancy purposes. Against VLO aircraft it could have a special mode of operation in conjunction with the S-band radar which I will talk about later in this post.

Iran's defence minister said in an interview that this radar has 10,000 "elements" (TRMs).

Bavar's X-band radar array, with main components highlighted. Main array in Red, access panels in Yellow, and IFF array in Blue.

Unnamed S-band Radar

The next radar is an acquisition radar, as it doesn't make much sense to have an X-band acquisition radar (much less to have 2 X-band radars). In addition to this its array size is noticeably larger, and added to the fact that Iran has been working on S-band AESAs for years now, it is reasonable to assume this next radar - the Acquisition radar - operates in the S-band. From this we can judge which of the official statistics apply to this S-band radar. Since it is the Acquisition radar, the specifications are likely to include the maximum targets detected (300), the range of detected targets (320 km), the range of tracked targets (260 km), and the maximum tracked targets (60). However, it is expected that the X-band radar would have its own limited acquisition and tracking (of course) capabilities for the sake of redundancy.

Some of these statistics (the last one, if at all) may belong to the X-band radar, but Iran did not bother to separate the statistics so there's a bit of informed guesswork involved in doing this myself.
Against normal non-VLO targets, the S-band radar works how any acquisition radar works. It may not even be needed if the Meraj-4 is free to support the battery from the back line. However, its smaller size and therefore superior mobility on the Zafar 8x8 truck makes it a valuable battery-level asset on the front line and earns it a place in the Bavar-373 system. This S-band component makes Bavar-373 a dual-band system (similar to the latest versions of the Aegis Combat System). This has positive implications for its ability to be used against stealth aircraft.

Very prominent is a large IFF-antenna on top of the radar array, a display of the radar's high requirement for tracking range and numbers. It is a similar case on the X-band radar.

Bavar's S-band radar array. Red area is the main array, blue area is the IFF array.

Command and Control (C2) Vehicle

The C2 cabin sits atop a 6x6 truck that seems slightly larger than the usual 6x6s Iran uses for its Talash and 15 Khordad TELs and radar vehicles. While we have not got a view of the inside of the cabin, the use of a dedicated C2 vehicle (in contrast with medium-range systems like 15 Khordad that have the C2 cabin with the radar cabin) is an indication of the sophistication of this part of Bavar-373. Curiously, there are no visible antennas on the C2 vehicle for long-range communication - this is not surprising however, as Iran (unlike Russia) deploys battery vehicles at one site rather than scattered over a wide area.

Foreground: Bavar's C2 vehicle

Zoljanah 10x10 TEL

Zoljanah was first seen in September 2012, sporting an unusual angular cab. In 2014 the current design was shown, with a much more sober cab design that was practically ahead of the front axle, instead of on top of it like the first iteration. This was possibly to create more room for an extra equipment behind the cab, seemingly for power generators and storage. Even when carrying a 30 ton payload, the 10x10 chassis is fully off-road capable. The quad missile canisters (twin in display and testing models) are approximately 7.5 metres long, and extend to a vertical position for launch. As the missiles are 'hot launched', there is an integrated blast deflector below the canisters, presumably to prevent too much dust being thrown up, or to protect any prepared surfaces that the Zoljanah TEL may be mounted at with its large hydraulic jacks. Possibly the most unusual thing about Zoljanah is that it needs a 5th axle at all - comparable vehicles for the S-300 need only 4, however the most modern versions including the S-400 also use semi-trailers with 5 axles. Such a long vehicle potentially has additional space for growth if Iran needs to mount larger missiles on it.

NOTE: There is a new 8x8 TELAR which seems to have replaced the Zoljanah 10x10 TEL. More detail is provided about this in updates at the bottom of this post from 17/04/2024 and 05/02/2025 

Zoljanah's 2012 iteration (top) and current design (bottom)

Rear of the Zoljanah TEL with quad missile canisters and blast deflector visible

Zafar 8x8 Radar Vehicle

Zafar was first shown in 2014. With a payload of 24 tons, probably the only thing preventing Zafar from being a TEL itself is the lesser length compared to Zoljanah. It is also fully mobile like the Zoljanah. The radars that can be mounted on this vehicle have a full 360° of rotation, with storage bins and other equipment supporting them. Each radar vehicle also has a command cabin at the rear, all equipped with beefy air conditioning units. The interior of these cabins is yet to be shown.

Zafar at its 2014 unveiling


In the test-fire videos (likely from some years ago), we see several differences with the 'final' versions of Bavar:
  • None of the radars have their sub-arrays, additional equipment, or IFF antennas. Either these were still being developed, or were not required for the that testing phase.
  • The C2 cabin for the whole system sits on the ground between the radar vehicles, not mounted on any vehicle.
  • The Sayyad-4 missile is Red, likely for better visibility in cameras capturing the test.
  • The Zoljanah TEL only has 2 missile canisters, instead of 4 on the final version. These canisters are also slightly shorter, so that the missile tips are pointing out of them before launch. This has been observed in tests of Sayyad-2 and -3 missiles, likely to preserve the canisters or just out of not needing them for the test.

Mode of Operation versus Stealth Targets

Now we get to the special 'anti-stealth' feature I had been referring to earlier.

If Bavar uses a SAGG/TVM guidance method as expected, the presence of a separate S-band acquisition radar points to what is called a bi-static radar arrangement for engaging stealth targets. The S-band radar may not necessarily partake in this directly, but is still essential for its operation.

Bi-static arrangements work by placing a radar receiver closer to the target than the emitter, allowing it to pick up the signal without the signal having to return to the emitter. This is advantageous because when the receiver is closer to the target, it has a higher chance of picking up a weak signal or a more accurate one. The problem arises when X-band tries to illuminate a stealth target - it does not generate a return at anything greater than short ranges, as most stealth aircraft are optimised against the X-band, owing to its accuracy and therefore wide use in engagement radars. That's where bi-static operation comes in.

The idea is that the better anti-stealth performance of the S-band radar will allow it to detect the stealth aircraft at relatively long range, further aided by higher-tier IADS assets like the S-band Meraj-4 and VHF Matla ul-Fajr 3. The missile is fired, with target coordinates provided by the S-band radar fed into its INS and updated periodically via a datalink. 

But S-band radars are typically not accurate enough to guarantee a kill - that's why X-band radars are used in engagement radars. But as we know, X-band radars are not usually effective against stealth aircraft. Under normal circumstances, the system can see the target, but not kill it.

So once the S-band radar guides (via TWS and datalink) the missile to the terminal stage - within about 5-10 km - the interception switches to X-band. Within 10 km the missile's radar receiver will likely be able to receive the X-band waves that are illuminating the target, even if the X-band radar itself is not receiving them. That's why another name for these extreme examples of the bi-static concept is "blind illumination". The (X-band) radar itself  is "blind". It is not receiving any return from the stealth aircraft which is say, 120 km away. But the missile and crucially, its radar receiver, is only 5 km away. It is close enough to receive the X-band radar waves being reflected back from the target. The rest is simple - with an X-band return, the missile is able to close down the target and destroy it accurately. That's how the bi-static effect can be exploited to destroy stealth targets.

This diagram depicts bi-static radar operation, with the closest radar representing the missile's radar receiver


Bavar-373 is an advanced anti-aircraft system. Iranian engineers appear to have made efforts to give it an anti-stealth capability. The system emulates the S-300 in how it is laid out and its mode of operation, but with key differences to suit Iranian needs. And on a subsystem level, it is completely indigenous. This will allow Iran to easily upgrade Bavar and integrate it into its air defence network. The next step for this system is active deployment.

Specifications (OUTDATED)

Maximum detection range: 320 km
Maximum tracking range: 260 km
Maximum engagement range: 200 km
Maximum engagement altitude: 27 km
Simultaneously detected targets: 300
Simultaneously tracked targets: 60
Simultaneously engaged targets: 6
Simultaneously guided missiles: 12
Maximum missiles per battery: 24

Please see updated specifications in 06/11/2022 update

Update 04 January 2022: New specifications

Bavar-373 has appeared on the Ministry of Defence's export page as AD-200, with a detailed specsheet improving public understanding of the system, specifically the Sayyad-4 missile.

The missile's basic proportions are very close to the 48N6E2 missile used in the S-300PMU2. Sayyad-4 has a large 180kg warhead, the same as its Russian counterpart. It has the same airframe diameter and length (not including aerodynamic control surfaces) as the 48N6E2, but is 150kg heavier at 2050kg. Despite this, it has a 200km range to the 48N6E2's 195km. This kinematic performance is quite impressive considering the extra weight, and it is reasonable to assume that later versions of the Sayyad-4 will reach similar performance to the more mature 48N6E3. 

The main difference between the two is the seekers. The 48N6E2 found on the S-300PMU2 already had a very robust mode of guidance called SAGG. With the release of the specsheet, this guidance mode can also be confirmed on Sayyad-4, which has "Inertial + Update Via Data Link Semi-active". On its own, that description would describe at least a TVM system as used on the MIM-104 Patriot PAC-2. TVM sends receiver data back to the ground radar via a datalink. The ground radar then calculates the appropriate guidance commands and sends these back to the missile. 

However, the specsheet says "Semi-active/ Active Radar Homing". Active Radar Homing uses a self-contained radar set which none of the 48N6 series use. ARH on long-range missiles is a feature also used on the 40N6 missile of the S-400. This also confirms that Sayyad-4 would have onboard computation, making it capable of SAGG. SAGG is best described as a more robust form of TVM, because in addition to the raw receiver data sent to the ground radar, the missile can calculate its own guidance commands, which can be datalinked to the ground radar to check for errors between the missile-computed commands and the ground radar commands. The missile can also act on its own if guidance commands from the radar are being jammed but the target is still being painted by the ground radar.

When defending against the S-300 or Patriot series, a defending aircraft could hide below the horizon or behind terrain to break line of sight with the ground radar. This would defeat even SAGG, which is fundamentally a SARH-based guidance mode relying on line of sight. By including an active seeker, Sayyad-4 has the ability to guide on to the target even if line of sight to the ground radar has been broken in the little time the target has to react. The use of inertial guidance also allows the ARH mode to be used based on the target's predicted flight path at the time the radar lock was broken. This is particularly useful in Iran's mountainous terrain, but also makes Bavar-373 potent in naval applications where most targets will drop to very low altitude in the final phases of flight. Bavar-373 has clearly been designed for maximum resilience against jamming and reducing the ability of the target to defend to an absolute minimum.

Update 06 November 2022


A new version of the Sayyad-4 has been unveiled, dubbed Sayyad-4B. This missile follows through on the IRIADF's promise to increase the missile's range to 300 km - in fact, it is quoted to have hit a target at 305 km downrange in a test against a Karrar target drone. Sayyad-4B's maximum engagement altitude is also stated to be 32 km (104,987 ft), improved from 27 km (88,582 ft). In an IRNA video report on its test, an IRIADF commander said it can engage ballistic missiles with a range up to 2000 km.

Mockups of Sayyad-4B (top), Sayyad-4A (bottom). Note the only minor external differences in fin structure and TVC jet vanes despite a +50% improvement in range. Images not to scale.

So what has driven this significant performance improvement? Well, as noted earlier in this article, Sayyad-4 was first seen in August 2014, over 8 years ago. Sayyad-4B is actually an entirely different (at best related) missile that was shown in later tests. It's unclear exactly what is responsible for the range difference but the dimensions are broadly similar. The range difference could be due to any of:
  • Newer, lighter components and subsystems
  • More advanced construction and/or materials resulting in weight savings
  • Improved guidance resulting in a more energy-efficient trajectory
  • More energetic fuel
  • Improved rocket motor
  • Warhead weight reduction
  • Possibly slightly larger, though exact measurements of Sayyad-4B are not available
An image with a better angle of a production missile in the canister shows the fin is similar to a development missile seen in previous tests. The fin configuration is the same as the one from the most recent 300 km test footage. This finally puts to bed the confusion over 'the red missile', which we can now call Sayyad-4B. Development likely started some time after 'the white missile', Sayyad-4A, which is the one first seen in 2014. It's quite possible that Sayyad-4A may be entirely replaced by Sayyad-4B.

Sayyad-4B production missile. Note larger fins than mockup.

Left: wreckage of Sayyad-4B missile after its successful 300 km range test. Right: The same missile shortly after launch.

Sayyad-4B's range improvement is so great that it outstrips the 260 km range of Bavar-373's original  X-band engagement radar. To remedy this, Iran has also announced improved radar ranges.

Radar Upgrades

Describing the 305 km test shot, the Iranian Defence Ministry stated that the target was detected by an upgraded radar at 450 km, tracked (indicating a radar lock) at 405 km, and destroyed at 305 km. The DM went on to give a breakdown of the radar range specifications; 'detection radar' range increased from 350 km to 450 km, and tracking range increased from 260 km to 400 km. No updates were given on the number of simultaneously detected, tracked, or engaged targets. In the test reported on by IRNA, the radars used looked the same as the ones shown in 2019.

Diagram of Bavar-373's successful 305 km test. Initially posted to Twitter.

An early version of one of Bavar-373's radars, first seen in August 2014. باور-۳۷۳ (Bavar-373) is just about visible on the poster on the cab

Given Meraj-4 - which had a 450 km range from the start - is not technically a part of Bavar-373, and the original range given for the detection radar (350 km) is close to the previously given range of 320 km, it's realistic to say that these improvements are all for the core radars in the system, namely the S-band and X-band radars detailed earlier in this article.

With this information we can construct a new specsheet for Bavar-373.

Updated Specifications

Maximum detection range: 450 km
Maximum tracking range: 400 km
Maximum engagement range: 300 km
Maximum engagement altitude: 32 km
Simultaneously detected targets: 300
Simultaneously tracked targets: 60
Simultaneously engaged targets: 6
Simultaneously guided missiles: 12
Maximum missiles per battery: 24

In 2020 Bavar-373 was stated to have entered operational service. However, this could not be independently verified via satellite imagery. One would hope that after a development timeline of roughly 12 years - possibly lengthened by increased requirements - Bavar-373 can finally enter serial production and provide the long-range, advanced air defence protection that much of Iran's skies sorely lack.

Sayyad-4B and the victim of its 305 km test shot -  a Karrar target drone

Update 17 April 2024: Unnamed 8x8 TELAR

Some early testing footage showed an 8x8 TELAR (Transporter Erector Launcher And Radar) based on the Belarusian MZKT-791300 that was initially thought to be abandoned in favour of the 10x10 Zoljanah. However, Zoljanah hasn't been seen in parades since 2019, since then only appearing in older test footage or in model form at arms shows. It appears that the 8x8 TELAR has been chosen as the main launch platform for Bavar-373, and has been seen deployed south of Tehran.

Screenshot from a video that is the earliest known public media of the 8x8 TELAR

Apart from having one less axle, the 8x8 TELAR also appears to have a central mast believed to mount a radar (hence being called a TELAR rather than TEL). This mast has been consistently censored out of official images, but uncensored shadows and hydraulics betray its existence. There is also a considerable gap between the missile canisters for the mast to fit between when in a stowed position. Nevertheless, the top of the mast has never been seen in any detail, which has led to speculation that it could mount a radar, long-range thermal cameras, or even a missile uplink antenna.

The most complete view of Bavar's new TELAR was at the 2024 Army Day Parade. Note the heat-exchangers on top of the cab, likely to cool a radar

The prevailing theory is that the mast is for a radar or CW (Continuous Wave) Illuminator, which may be useful for engaging low-altitude targets at short range. It could also serve as an emergency backup radar in case the battery's primary engagement radars have been disabled. The TELAR-mounted radar would be less sophisticated and powerful than the main battery radars, but this is acceptable considering it is likely for niche or emergency situations.

Ultimately we will not know the true purpose of the mast until more images are released.

Update 05 February 2025: Production TELAR and S-300 integration

New images and videos have been shown of Bavar-373 taking part in the 'Eqtedar 1403' air defence exercise. Most notably, this is the first time Iran has clearly and openly shown the central mast uncensored and in operational position.

Atop the mast is a classic Continuous Wave illumination radar, similar to those seen on the S-300V series. This serves two main purposes; it can be used for interception of short range, low altitude targets such as cruise missiles, or it can be used as a backup radar in case the main engagement radar is incapacitated, jammed, or otherwise unavailable. It should be noted that this radar only has a secondary role, as CW radars can only operate on one channel, and would be used at shorter ranges as they cannot provide range information. 

Bavar-373 8x8 TELAR, production version

The TELAR has also had some minor refinements and changes (detailed below) which would suggest the design is close to serial production as the main subsystems have been finalised and now the remaining changes are centred around ergonomics of the vehicle. This brings the number of visually confirmed Bavar-373 launchers up to three; two 8x8 TELARs and one 10x10 TEL of the (likely canned) Zoljanah chassis.

Differences between the prototype and production versions of the 8x8 TELAR

A first look inside the C2 vehicle's cabin. It accommodates five operators with dual screens, and a senior officer acting as the commander. In this cabin, there are four NCOs (Sergeant 1st class), one Captain, and the senior officer is at least a Major or Lieutenant colonel

While the TELAR and its radar mast caught most of the attention, there were other interesting developments. The Sayyad-4B missile launched in the test had two small protrusions near the guidance section which resemble the infrared seeker used on the US Navy's SM-2 Block IIIB. Infrared guidance is not confirmed for the Sayyad-4B, but its addition would increase the redundancy in case of jamming and other countermeasures that would defeat the missile's own active-radar seeker.

Left: Sayyad-4B. Right: SM-2 Block IIIB

Perhaps the most intriguing part of this exercise was the presence of S-300PMU-2 components. These components notably lacked any acquisition or engagement radars. The TV report stated that this test included integration between Bavar-373 and S-300. Although the video didn't include an S-300 missile firing, such an integration would be a significant development. Some S-300 30N6E2 engagement radars were damaged in the recent exchange between Iran and Israel, and the ability to guide S-300 missiles with Iranian engagement radars would add a lot of flexibility and interoperability to the S-300 within Iran's IADS. Such a development isn't far-fetched given Iran and Russia's growing defence cooperation in recent years. Iran itself has had plenty of experience with modifying foreign equipment to work with modern equivalents, and has had its S-300s for almost nine years now.

Top, left to right: 64N6E2 battle management radar, 54K6E2/55K6 command post, 5P85TE2 TEL. Bottom: FL-95 mobile communications relay mast and generator vehicle
